Ah the age old argument of mental health, the good, bad or worse that is the mind. It is easy to dismiss it as all in the mind and say things like get over it but the harsh reality there is problems and places in the mind we just don’t understand.
This is not I am having a bad day type of thing, this is a real struggle where your mind does not know which way to turn or if there is another day to start again let alone light at the end of the tunnel. When heavy depression kicks in sometimes there is no hope in the mind but a friend and a hug does good things, a helping hand or voice just to listen. I don’t pretend to even know the depths of depression but have sampled it in the past and now most of the time I can climb out of it before it grabs hold. I have a mind that I can say bounces back from most downtimes pretty quick, until this last week when I sprained my ankle and still trying to get the positive flow back into full swing.
This started this morning when I saw a post on Facebook from a friend on the subject this morning about depression and suicide. Now, suicide is easy to claim that this is the cowards way out, really? Nope have to disagree, when your mind is on such a downward spiral that you cannot see the way forward, you cannot see that somewhere somehow there is a future for you and you are actually worth something, something to you or your family but you are so far gone that you truthfully believe the people around you will be better off without you. Hence a word and a hug from someone often works or is at least a start.
An example, not to far ago there was a plane crash, it is believed that the pilot flew the plane into the ground to commit suicide, despite the overwhelming desire to hate the pilot for what he did and yes the brutal truth is he committed mass murder in the process he could see or hear nothing past his own mind and what he ‘needed’ to do. The flight crash investigation concluded he would not have even heard the banging on the cockpit door trying to get his attention. It was a sad day beyond words for families and the aviation world.
Just a thought, depression is evil, the dark side of the mind that is very powerful, so the next time someone says I am depressed, don’t bite back with some pull yourself together sentence, offer a shoulder to lean on and a friendly ear.
You might be surprised,