Letter to a 10year old me..

I have seen a lot of posts about what you would say to your 10 year old self..

so heres mine,

Focus, pick a job, a career something to focus on.

Easy? No of course not, but looking back its one of my biggest failures, I have a wonderful family around me and a job that has just gone past 5 years in this career. having moved between the computer industry and motor trade twice and getting good at the recovery job, still learning and growing maybe I should have started earlier. Maybe, but then you cant live on maybe’s can you?

In my computer time I could not settle on what part I wanted to stick with, I lost focus and lost a good paying job. It was a 9 to 5 job, it paid well and took us to a stunning holiday to Egypt. Now a 60 hour working week on a good week, and money is tight.. Its not easy and I miss alot of family time. I am working more and more on my own car, now is it because I enjoy it or out of need because I cant afford to pay someone to work on it..? Getting my youngest involved in pulling the car apart is good and its one memory I dont have growing up.

I feel I am to old to consider another change of career, so now as a 50 something year old have I now found my focus?

Hope so,